The National Corps of Cadets Center

The NCCC Cadet Oath

The NCCC Cadet Oath
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The NCCC Cadet Oath is taken after the Prospective Cadet Takes the oath of His/Her Scouting Unit. It may be taken immediately after or at a different time or place. It must be given by a registered Scouter or if a person of special consideration is to present the Oath, must be seconded and officiated by a registered Scouter.
The Oath is taken with the right hand raised in the same fashion as when taking the Scouting oath.  The Cadet will be at attention and the room Quiet. A Drum Roll or Drum Line of Martial Cadence may precede the taking of the oath and the Bugle Call For Assembly may be played. 
The oath is given in the "Repeat after me" Fashion.
                                           The NCCC Cadet Oath
"I............., will henceforth live by the National Corps of Cadets Center Creed.
I will Study, Decide and Act in the best interest of the United States of America at all times.
I will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do.
I will do no wrong and fear Nothing.
I will Preserve, Protect and Defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies both domestic and foreign.
I will uphold the Honors, traditions and high esprit De Corps of the NCCC,  The Hall of Hero's and the American Scouting Fraternity of  Organizations."
 After the Oath is taken, the Cadet is instructed by the Scouter in Charge, "You may now Salute the flag". The Cadet then turns toward or marches before the United States Flag and stopping before it Raises his/Her Right arm and at the position of attention, performs a standard Military Salute.
He then Turns to face his unit, where the Cadet may be Honored with a cheer of the units choosing.
Immediately after this, the Cadet Makes a detailed entry in his journal of the time Date and place of the Oath, the officiating officers, leaders or delegates and has this witnessed by the officiating Scouter, contact information for that Scouter  and if desired other witnesses.
At Least Two Certified copies of this Journal entry should be made as soon as possible and along with the Cadet Journal, safeguarded. When the time nears for College, this certified copy must be submitted with other necessary paperwork. Without it, there is no possibility of receiving  any  assistance whatsoever from the NCCC.

Cadets should remember that their Scouting unit is their first and foremost mentoring advantage. For  example: Scouts, your Assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster, For Explorers or Venturers, your Asst. Advisor or Advisor. You should only come to us if you have a problem that has not been resolved after all efforts have been exhausted in the Scouting chain of leadership. Then we can help you to resolve the problem by advising you where in the Scouting organization to go next. There is no problem that cannot be resolved using the Scouting system.

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Primatus Vigorus
