The National Corps of Cadets Center

Important Facts

The NCCC Cadet Oath
Important Facts
The Hall OF Heros
Our History
Latest News
Meet the Staff

Please read the following carefully.

The NCCC is about Developing Youth to serve as leadership models in all arenas. We see the world of Scouting as the best place to learn leadership and the values that we Americans hold dear.

Training: The Key to Superior conduct.

Military College can be the best experience of a Young Persons life.

Developing and promoting youth who wish to serve as Military or Public Service Officers is the most important part of the NCCC. 

The overwhelming amount of new Cadets applying for Scholarships has caused a change in our requirements for a letter of Recommendation.

Starting 00:01 Zulu 1/Jan/08, All persons applying for a letter of recommendation from the CENTER will have to have been in a Scouting program with continuous enrollment since age 14 and achieved at least the third from the top award in that program at the time of application. This requirement is currently waiverable.

In addition the Cadet applicant must have participated in at least One International Scouting event hosted in a foreign Country. Canada and Mexico,the Bahamas, Jamaica and other Countries in close proximity are approved.  This requirement can be waived under extenuating circumstances. 
Until such time as Lieutenant General Anthony Pineda is reinstated as National Commander of the Civil Air Patrol: No further assistance will be given to Cadets applying from the Civil Air Patrol and activities and awards earned in the Civil Air Patrol will not count toward their overall Score unless credit had been given for that award by the Scouting Organization that the Cadet jointly Belongs to.
Membership in the Civil Air Patrol will no longer carry special Privileges as before.
A Cadet or Cadet Applicant will no longer be able to substitute membership in the Civil Air Patrol For membership in Scouting.
The Civil Air Patrol has been Suspended from our list of Authorized Organizations.
Scouts will find that the Air Scouting branch of the BSA is an outstanding place to learn about aviation and that joining an Air Force or Navy ROTC unit is a far better application of time.
The NCCC Never askes for Money, funds, or donations of any kind. ANYONE asking for Donations (Even a token ammount, material or a discount) of ANY KIND is a Fraud and must be reported to the CENTER ASAP.



Everything you need to know is on this site. The links provided will answer a multitude of your questions. Follow these pages and links and study the material provided. Then you will have a clearer idea of what direction you wish to go. Once you know where you are going, the rest is easy.
Primatus Vigorus
